6 research outputs found

    Bulk electric system reliability simulation and application

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    Bulk electric system reliability analysis is an important activity in both vertically integrated and unbundled electric power utilities. Competition and uncertainty in the new deregulated electric utility industry are serious concerns. New planning criteria with broader engineering consideration of transmission access and consistent risk assessment must be explicitly addressed. Modern developments in high speed computation facilities now permit the realistic utilization of sequential Monte Carlo simulation technique in practical bulk electric system reliability assessment resulting in a more complete understanding of bulk electric system risks and associated uncertainties. Two significant advantages when utilizing sequential simulation are the ability to obtain accurate frequency and duration indices, and the opportunity to synthesize reliability index probability distributions which describe the annual index variability. This research work introduces the concept of applying reliability index probability distributions to assess bulk electric system risk. Bulk electric system reliability performance index probability distributions are used as integral elements in a performance based regulation (PBR) mechanism. An appreciation of the annual variability of the reliability performance indices can assist power engineers and risk managers to manage and control future potential risks under a PBR reward/penalty structure. There is growing interest in combining deterministic considerations with probabilistic assessment in order to evaluate the “system well-being” of bulk electric systems and to evaluate the likelihood, not only of entering a complete failure state, but also the likelihood of being very close to trouble. The system well-being concept presented in this thesis is a probabilistic framework that incorporates the accepted deterministic N-1 security criterion, and provides valuable information on what the degree of the system vulnerability might be under a particular system condition using a quantitative interpretation of the degree of system security and insecurity. An overall reliability analysis framework considering both adequacy and security perspectives is proposed using system well-being analysis and traditional adequacy assessment. The system planning process using combined adequacy and security considerations offers an additional reliability-based dimension. Sequential Monte Carlo simulation is also ideally suited to the analysis of intermittent generating resources such as wind energy conversion systems (WECS) as its framework can incorporate the chronological characteristics of wind. The reliability impacts of wind power in a bulk electric system are examined in this thesis. Transmission reinforcement planning associated with large-scale WECS and the utilization of reliability cost/worth analysis in the examination of reinforcement alternatives are also illustrated

    Virtual Oscillator Control of Multiple Solar PV Inverters for Microgrid Applications

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    This paper proposes the inverter control strategy for multiple solar PV generation sources based on the two-stage converters with a combination of the modified virtual oscillator control (VOC) and the cascaded sliding mode control (SMC). With this proposed control strategy, the load power-sharing in proportion to the inverter rating is guaranteed when the solar PV output satisfies the power-sharing requirement. On the other hand, the control algorithm autonomously forces the solar PV to operate at the maximum power point if the solar PV output is lower than the power-sharing requirement. Various operating scenarios have been simulated to appreciate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme for ensuring the load-power sharing and maintaining the voltage and frequency stability of the islanded microgrid containing a 100% solar PV generation

    Deterministic-based power grid planning enhancement using system well-being analysis

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    Abstract This paper presents a comprehensive approach to enhance the traditionally deterministic-based power grid planning using system well-being analysis concept. The objective is to identify and characterize the existing system reliability concerns inherited from the adopted deterministic criteria, so that power utilities can accordingly adjust their reliability criteria to cope with real-life system uncertainties and hence to enhance the overall system reliability. A determination of transmission capacity reserve derived from incorporating deterministic criteria into a probabilistic framework has been introduced in the paper. An application of the proposed methodology for justifying a transmission addition project to accommodate the system load growth is illustrated by using an actual island power grid. Both technical and economic aspects, greatly concerned in practice, have been taken into consideration in the project justification

    Saskatoon By

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    this thesis freely available for inspection. Moreover, the author has agreed that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purpose may be granted the professor or professors who supervised the thesis work recorded herein or, in their absence, by the Head of the Department or the Dean of the College in which the thesis work was done. It is understood that due recognition will be given to the author of this thesis and to the University of Saskatchewan in any use of the material in this thesis. Copying or publication or any other use of this thesis for financial gain without approval by the University of Saskatchewan and the author’s written permission is prohibited. Request for permission to copy or to make any other use of the material in thi

    Reliability-Based Transmission Reinforcement Planning Associated With Large-Scale Wind Farms

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